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The Heidelberg School BibliographyThe following bibliography of books and video recordings relating to the Heidelberg School is intended as a guide to those researching this period of Australian Art History. Many of the books included in this bibliography have themselves substantial bibliographies and provide leads to the numerous articles that have been written on this subject. This bibliography has been arranged in two parts. The first part is an alphabetical listing of general books and video recordings on the Heidelberg School, including a number of reference books that contain entries on specific artists. The second part is an alphabetical listing of books and video recordings relating to specific artists of the Heidelberg School, with entries under each artist arranged alphabetically. It is intended that this bibliography will be regularly updated, as further publications are located and produced. Publishers and authors please note that a review page will be provided on this web site for all new publications relevant to the Heidelberg School. Publications
for review can be sent to: Andrew Mackenzie
City Bushmen: The Heidelberg School and The Rural Mythology / Leigh
Astbury Astbury, Leigh
Sunlight and shadow: Australian Impressionist painters 1880-1900
/ Leigh Astbury Australian Art and Architecture: Essays Presented to Bernard Smith / edited by T. Smith & A. Bradley Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1980 Australian
Dictionary of Biography [multi-volume work, various editors] Australian
Dictionary of Biography: volumes 1-12, 1788-1939 [computer file] The Australian
Encyclopaedia / editor-in-chief, Tony Macdougall; The Australian
Impressionists, 1888-1896 [video recording] The Australian
Impressionists: their origins & influences Australian
paintings from the Joseph Brown Collection: 4th May-18th June 1989
A Historical Library 11v. Badham,
H.. A Study of Australian Art / by Herbert E. Badham The Box
Hill Artists’ Camp / by Andrew Mackenzie, Brown, Robin
Collins Milestones in Australian History: 1788 to the Present /
Burke, Janine
Australian Women Artists 1840-1940 Campbell, Jean
Australian Watercolour Painters: 1780 to the Present Day Clark, Jane
Golden Summers: Heidelberg and beyond / Jane Clark and Bridget
Whitelaw Rev. ed. Dow, David
M. Melbourne Savages: a history of the first fifty years of The Melbourne
Savage Club Downer, Christine
Victorian Vision: 1834 Onwards: Images and Records from the National
Gallery of Victoria and the State Library of Victoria / Dysart, Dinah
The D.R. Sheumack Collection of Australian Paintings Finemore, Brian
Australian Impressionists Finemore, Brian
Freedom from Prejudice: An Introduction to the Australian Collection
in the National Gallery of Victoria Finlay, Eleanor Prelude to Heidelberg: the artists’ camp at Box Hill / Eleanor Finlay and Marjorie Morgan Burwood, Vic.: Victoria College Press, c. 1991 The Gallery
on Eastern Hill, The Victorian Artists’ Society Centenary / edited
by C.B. Christesen Gleeson, James
Impressionist painters, 1881-1930 Gleeson, James
Masterpieces of Australian Painting Hammond, Victoria
Completing the picture: Women Artists and the Heidelberg era / Hammond, Victoria
Completing the picture: Women Artists & The Heidelberg Era The Heidelberg
School Artists’ Trail / Heidelberg
Since 1836: A Pictorial History / edited by Cyril R. Cummins Heritage: The
National Women’s Art Book, 500 works by 500 Australian women artists
from colonial times to 1955 / The Heritage
of Australia: The Illustrated Register of the National Estate Hughes, Robert
The Art of Australia Rev. ed. Important
Australian Women Artists / edited by Lara Smith In Honour
of Daryl Lindsay: Essays and Studies / edited by Franz Philipp and
June Steward Johns, Fred
An Australian Biographical Dictionary The Joseph Brown Collection at the National Gallery of Victoria, 31st October-7th December, 1980 [Melbourne]: Austcare, 1980 Joseph Brown
Gallery Joseph Brown Gallery, 10th -24th September, 1981 Lindsay, Daryl
The Felton Bequest, An Historical Record: 1904-1959 McCaughey,
Patrick Golden Summers: the Heidelberg School [video recording]
/ McCrae, Hugh
My Father, and my Father’s Friends McCulloch,
Alan Encyclopedia of Australian Art [New ed.] 2v. McCulloch, Alan The Golden Age of Australian Painting: Impressionism and the Heidelberg School Rev. ed. Melbourne: Lansdowne, 1977 McCulloch,
Susan The Encyclopedia of Australian Art / Manton, Jack
Australian painters of the Heidelberg School: the Jack Manton collection
/ Masterpieces
of the National Gallery of Victoria / edited by Ursula Hoff; text
by Ursula Hoff, Alan McCulloch, Joan Lindsay; with an introduction by
Daryl Lindsay A Memorial
Volume to Howard Hinton, patron of art / edited by R.H. Goddard et
al. Moore, William The Story of Australian Art from the earliest known art of the continent to the art of today 2v. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1934 The 9 x
5 Impression Exhibition: opened August 17, 1889 at Buxton’s Rooms.
Nunan, W.F.
History of Mount Eagle ‘Old Friends’
– a private viewing / exhibition of memorabilia items and artworks
of the Heidelberg School artists, Arthur Streeton, Tom Roberts, Frederick
McCubbin and Walter Withers, curated by Andrew Mackenzie Painting
people [video recording] – Tom Roberts Pearce, Barry
A Century of Australian Landscape – Mood and Moment Pearce, Barry
Swiss Artists in Australia 1777-1991 Perry, Peter
Notes, Nocturnes and Harmonies Radford, Ron
Elders IXL Collection, Masterworks of Australian Painting and French
Barbizon School – Colonial Contemporary Continental Radford, Ron
Ladies in Landscape: Radford, Ron
Moonrise: An Exhibition of Australian nocturne and twilight Landscapes
of the Turn of the Century Serle, Percival
Dictionary of Australian Biography 2v Smith, Bernard
Australian Painting, 1788-1990 / Smith, Bernard A Catalogue of Australian Oil Paintings in the National Art Gallery of New South Wales Sydney, 1953 Smith, Bernard
Place, Taste and Tradition: a study of Australian Art since 1788
2nd rev.
ed. Splatt, William
Australian Impressionist Painters: a pictorial history of the Heidelberg
School / Splatt, William
The Heidelberg School: the golden summer of Australian painting
/ William Splatt and Dugold McLellan Expanded ed. Splatt, William
A Treasury of Australian landscape painting / William Splatt and
Barbara Burton Stuart, Elizabeth
Impressionism Thomas, Daniel
Outlines of Australian Art: The Joseph Brown Collection 3rd ed.
Thoms, A. Bohemians
in the Bush: The Artists’ Camps of Mosman Topliss, Helen
The Artists’ Camps: “plein air” painting in Australia / Helen Topliss;
Topliss, Helen
The Artists’ Camps: plein air painting in Melbourne, 1885-1898 / Turnbull, Clive
Art here: [Buvelot to Nolan] Von Guerard
to Wheeler: the first teachers at the National Gallery School, 1870-1939:
Whitelaw, Bridget
Australian Landscape Drawing, 1830-1880 in the National Gallery of
Arthur Streeton - Above Us The Great Grave Sky, 1890
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