von Guerard

Eugene von Guerard
La Trobe Picture Collection
State Library of Victoria
Eugene von
Guerard, painter and teacher, was born in November 1811 in Vienna. From
1826, he toured Italy with his artist father and between 1830 and 1832
resided in Rome. From around 1839 to 1844, he studied landscape painting
at the Dusseldorf Academy, and travelled widely.
In 1852, he
moved to London, and in August that year decided to travel to Victoria,
Australia to try his luck on the goldfields. He arrived at Geelong on
24 December 1852, and made many sketches of the mining districts around
Ballarat until 1854. He moved to Melbourne, and in 1870 was appointed
the first Master of the School of Painting, National Gallery of Victoria.
He retired from this position at the end of 1881, and in 1882 departed
for Europe. In 1891, he moved to London, and died in London on 17 April
1901. He is buried in Brompton Cemetery, Chelsea, England.
The following
paintings by Eugene von Guerard can be viewed as part of this collection.
von Guerard - Ballarat
Flat: View from Golden Point and Flat, with part of Black Hill, as seen
in July 1853'
Eugene von Guerard
- Aborigines met on the road to the diggings, 1854
von Guerard - 'Warrenheip Hills near Ballarat, 1854'
von Guerard -
'I have got it', 1854
von Guerard -
'Barter', 1854
von Guerard -
'Tower Hill,' 1855
von Guerard - 'Mount William from Mount Dryden', 1857
von Guerard - Larra Homestead, Mt. Elephant in the Distance', 1857
von Guerard- Bushfire between Mount Elephant and Timboon', March 1857
von Guerard - Ferntree Gully in the Dandenong Ranges,' 1857
Eugene von Guerard
- 'Port Phillip Bay' 1857
Eugene von Guerard
- 'From the verandah of Purrumbete' 1858
Eugene von
Guerard - 'View of Lake Illawarra with distant Mountains of Kiama', 1860
Eugene von Guerard
- 'View of the Snowy Bluff on the Wonnangatta River', 1864
Eugene von Guerard
- 'North View from Daylesford', 1864
von Guerard - 'North-east view from the northern top of Mount Kosciusko',
c. 1864
Eugene von
Guerard - Mount Kosciusko, seen from the Victorian Border (Mount Hope
Ranges), 1866.
von Guerard - Spring in the Valley of the Mitta Mitta with the Bogong
Ranges', 1866,
Eugene von Guerard
- 'Sydney Heads' 1866
Eugene von Guerard - Evening after a Gale, Wilson's Promontory, 1870
von Guerard - 'Ballarat from the Tower of the Western Fire Brigade', 1870
von Guerard - 'The Gold Diggings at Ararat', 1871
Eugene von Guerard
- 'Rose's Gap at the northern end of The Grampians' 1871
von Guerard - View of the Granite Rocks at Cape Woolimai, 1872
Eugene von
Guerard - 'Milford Sound with Pembroke Peak and Bower Falls on the west
coast of Middle Island, New Zealand' 1877
von Guerard - Lilydale from the Christmas Hills with the Dandenongs in
the Distance, 1878
Eugene von Guerard - Ballarat in the early times; As it appeared in the
summer of 1853-54, 1884
- the Journeys of Eugene von Guerard
von Guerard Biography
von Guerard Bibliography
School Bibliography
School Background
The photographic images of the Artists and the reproduction of the Artists
works are subject to Copyright. People who wish to reproduce any of these
images need to contact the relevant
The information provided within this website by Andrew
Mackenzie remains his Intellectual Property.
All other Rights Reserved medialaunch Pty. Ltd.
Left: Arthur Streeton
- Above Us The Great Grave Sky, 1890
Collection: National Gallery of Australia, Canberra.